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cat health

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With a highly developed predation instinct, the cat can feed itself on its own.  However, predation also serves him as a game. But what are the animals most hunted by cats?

  Hunting instinct in cats:

       The hunting instinct is innate in all cats, with the exception of the Persian and the Ragdoll, which have long been trained by humans.From an early age, the cat begins to jump after insects and butterflies.His mother or the other adult cats that surround him teach him little by little the techniques of sharpening and capture.  If he's a cat living in an apartment, he trains with toys.Even if it is well fed, your cat always takes pleasure in exercising its hunting skills.If necessary, this instinct will allow him to survive.  Numerous specialized sites, including Le Magazine sur les Animaux,will support this information by publishing related information and advice.

 The hunting technique used by the cat:

      First, it spots its prey, discreetly approaches it, grabs it and kills it.  In all these stages, several capacities are used.Sight, hearing and smell with the spotting of the prey.What guarantees the success of the hunt is the stealth approach.As the cat cannot enjoy very high movement speed or very good endurance, it must get as close as possible to its victim and operate by surprise.  In order not to be spotted, he chooses a place where it will be difficult to perceive and then he advances slowly without any noise.Powerful relaxation allows it to leap onto its prey.He grabs it with its claws and kills it.

What animals does the cat mainly hunt?

In general, the cat hunts animals that are smaller than it is, the easiest to catch and that are found in large numbers in its environment.  It mainly hunts mammals such as mice, young rabbits, voles, young hares, rats as well as shrews and moles The latter two are not eaten.  It also hunts lizards, insects and small rodents.  It can also hunt frogs and fish.  Rarely does it hunt birds and reptiles.  He does it for the game although he feeds on it from time to time.  The season, the habitat, his hunger and his motivation determine what he will choose.

Hunting for cats:

   The cat does not hunt mainly for food, but also for play.  Sometimes the game doesn't necessarily end when the prey is killed.  You can already see this cat’s interest in recreational hunting by seeing kittens chasing paper balls or trying to catch hanging objects.  Seeing them take pleasure in jumping after butterflies and insects, hunting is a way for cats to maintain their reflexes, to do physical activities and to exercise.

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