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    The Turkish Angora is a beautiful cat that never fails to catch the eye. Its soft and silky coat immediately calls for caresses. It's hard not to crack in front of a small kitten and even an adult, so much so that we want to adopt one right away.

 However before crossing the course, it is important to ask yourself a few questions about this breed of cat: is it suitable for apartment life?  Does she have special needs?  If yes, which ones ?  But above all, is the character of a Turkish Angora compatible with yours, or with your lifestyle?  All the answers in our post.

 Understanding the temperament of the Turkish Angora:

The Turkish Angora is a very special cat that was very hostile to humans at the very beginning of its domestication.  Today, he has become a very social and affectionate little feline who adores long moments of cuddling with his dear and tender "human".  He often even asks for more.  However, there is not an independent cat that needs a territory of its own to be able to flourish properly.

 Besides, the Turkish Angora is a cat with character.  It is a very intelligent animal that learns very quickly.  It is very easy to educate, provided that you are someone farm.  Otherwise, he tends to make little jokes that could quickly turn into a nightmare for people who are a little manic or easily irritable.

Which master does he need?

The Turkish Angora is a cat that requires a lot of attention.  Sometimes a little pot of glue, it can harass you by meowing just to beg for hugs and hugs.  He's a very talkative little companion who meows a lot to communicate with you.  If you like the idea of ​​having a lively home, you will be perfectly satisfied. Also know that it is a small cat very curious by nature, expect it to follow you everywhere and observe all your actions with curiosity, even when you are in the shower.  So if you don't like the idea of ​​being "stuck and watched" all the time, this might not be the little companion for you.

The Turkish Angora can live in an apartment, but:

A Turkish Angora cat is a very lively cat, it likes to move, to hunt ... but that does not mean that it cannot live in an apartment.  However, you will have to think about arranging your interior so that your cat can feel perfectly well there.  You will of course have to provide him with a clean litter box, but also two bowls for water and food, and not to mention toys.
 Your little companion will need games to let off steam, it would be even better if you play with him.  Then, it is imperative that you provide him with one or more scratching posts, otherwise he will make his claws on your sofa, your curtains or even your shoes.  Not out of spite, but because this is a natural need in cats.  The ideal would be to opt for a cat tree that includes not only play areas for your tomcat, but also scratching posts.

Tips for a happy cohabitation: 

For a happy life with your Turkish Angora cat, it is important that you take good care of each other.  As for your little fur ball, it descends from a robust breed which does not develop any particular health problems.  You will still need to have him vaccinated and given dewormers.  Then rest assured, his long silky hairs do not require complex daily care: regular brushing, at least once a week, is enough for him to keep a perfect coat and not swallow too much hair.

 Finally, don't forget to take out a mutual health insurance for your precious companion.  This is a way to make sure that he can always access the best care in the event of illness or accident.

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