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cat health

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  No matter what your pet is, you need to protect it by purchasing health insurance.  However, as cats and dogs are the most popular among French households, it is more relevant to focus on the offers dedicated to them.  What are the differences between the insurance contracts for these two animals?

A higher price for dog insurance:

  A dog is more expensive to maintain than a cat.  According to recent studies, a household spends around 619 euros on their dogs.  For cats, the average bill is 222 euros.  In addition to food and entertainment, the most costly veterinary care should not be overlooked.  They cost 211 euros per year for a dog and 166 euros for his feline counterpart.  These price differences are explained by the fact that the dog is larger.  Inevitably, his needs will be greater.  An alternative to save money is to take out health insurance.  Available for all pets, this device gives access to reimbursements on veterinary costs, as would a mutual for humans on health expenses.  The price of monthly contributions will be even more important for the dog: around 10 to 25 euros.  However, insuring a cat will only cost between 7 and 20 euros per month.  However, with this cover, the owners calmly face an appointment with the veterinarian since they are compensated.  

Different options depending on the animal:

A difference between cat and dog insurance is based on the guarantees taken out.  It is obvious that due to a dissimilar lifestyle and behavior, these two animals do not cover themselves in the same way.  In cats, for example, an indoor feline is at less risk than another who needs freedom.  Contracts with a "Cat Indoor" formula will inevitably be less expensive, because at home, accident rates are low.  However, you should think about including a parachute option, especially if the feline lives on the upper floors.  The saying that a cat always falls on its feet is not always true.  On the canine side, if you have noticed that your pet has a tendency to run away, consider incorporating a runaway guarantee in the contract

Nothing better than tailor-made insurance:

Whether you have a cat or a dog, the main thing is to take out health insurance that adapts to your every need.  In the elderly, a contract offering the best coverage, particularly from the point of view of the disease, is recommended, since it is recognized that with age, the risks of developing pathologies are greater.  However, do not wait until your pet is old before protecting it with a mutual.  Contributions can be expensive or worse, it may be that no insurance accepts to cover it.  Note that race is also taken into account in the quotes of insurers.  An animal registered with the LOF will be more expensive to insure than another without a pedigree.  In any case, do not hesitate to make comparisons before choosing.  This will allow you to find more attractive offers in terms of prices and guarantees.

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