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cat health

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In cats, the formation of hairballs is a common natural phenomenon, but one that should be monitored.  It can cause frequent vomiting, which is also normal.  However, beware, as vomiting is not always mild.  Update on hairball  
formation and vomiting in cats.

Causes of vomiting in cats:

Vomiting is quite common in cats.  He can vomit the hairs he swallowed while washing, that is, by licking himself.  He can also vomit when he swallows his food too quickly or when he is stressed.  Despite these situations, you should watch your cat carefully, as vomiting can sometimes hide a more serious illness or disease.  It can be caused by irritation due to the presence of digestive hairs or worms.  It can also be a defense reaction of the digestive tract or the consequence of poor nutrition.  It can also reflect a food allergy, gastroenteritis, intestinal obstruction, intoxication or poisoning, intestinal absorption disorders, diabetes or kidney failure.  To be sure, you must observe your cat daily and consult a veterinarian if in doubt.

Why does cats vomit hairballs?

To wash, to remove dead hair and to regulate its temperature by moistening its coat, the cat licks frequently.  As its tongue is endowed with thousands of horny papillae, the dead hairs cling to it easily and are swallowed to be then in its digestive tract and to mix with the stools since they cannot be digested by the animal.  When the cat absorbs too much hair, it accumulates in its digestive tract, forming a ball.

The observed Signs:

When the cat vomits a ball of hair, small amounts of food are associated with it.  Vomit can be similar to stool.  The cat may eat less or even become anorexic.  He may also cough abnormally, as if he is trying to spit out the hairballs.  If your cat coughs for no reason, it may try to expel the hair it has swallowed.  He may also be constipated.  This can lead to a more serious complication: bowel obstruction.  The latter can lead to death without timely treatment.  If too large a plug of hair and food is trapped in the digestive tract, the intestines are blocked.

 Think about it if your cat is drooling, vomiting as soon as it eats or drinking, is not going to have a bowel movement and has distended abdomen and anorexia.  In these cases, you must consult a veterinarian urgently, because the vital prognosis of your little companion is engaged.  To avoid hairballs, brush his coat regularly, apply antiparasitic treatments frequently so that he does not lick too much because of the itch, his food must be rich in fiber to optimize intestinal transit and easily eliminate ingested hair.

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