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cat health

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Never wean a kitten too early as this exposes the animal to serious consequences which will impact its life as an adult cat.  Many health problems but also behavioral problems can result.  To respect the order of things, weaning a kitten should not start before it is at least 1 month old and must be continued for several weeks.  Let’s take stock of the harmful consequences of early weaning of the kitty and see how to respect this important step.

Kitten weaning: why should the procedure be followed?

It is at the age of 4 weeks that the kitten can start to be weaned, and it is precisely the moment when it starts to have small teeth.  Earlier, it is really too early and it will only have negative effects for the small animal.  It is really a fundamental stage of his life, so it is strongly recommended not to take it lightly.

 The weaning consists for the kitten to pass from the liquid food to a solid food.  At the very beginning of his life, the young animal can be fed by its mother or by bottle with infant formula.  This does not change the procedure for weaning him.

 It should be noted that for the lactating cat, this transition period is also important because gradually ceasing to feed its young allows it to preserve itself.  Moreover, as soon as her kittens reach the age of 4 weeks, her production of breast milk begins to decrease and then gradually dries up.  It is therefore only 1 month before the young adults start their pre-weaning.

 The kitten's weaning must be done without haste and must last at least 4 weeks.  During this vitally important month, the so-called vicariance period takes place: the diet changes to better meet the animal's needs.  He drinks less and less milk and begins to taste the water but also the croquettes intended for his mother.  This is why she must receive kibble kibbles, particularly rich in nutrients.

Too early weaning of the kitten: the risks:

It is during the weaning phase that the kitten is built.  When weaning is carried out naturally, the animal can easily reach psychological stability and also be less vulnerable in terms of physical health.

 Too early weaning of the kitten leads to bad behavior in adult cats such as:

  •  The inability to wash,
  •  The inability to cover up his droppings,
  •  The ignorance of certain limits so that the cat claws or bites,
  •  A lack of socialization with his fellows,
  •  Adaptation difficulties,
  •  Hyperactivity,
  •  Aggression,
  •  The fear,
  •  Hyper-emotivity,
  •  A disproportionate attachment to his master ...
 Of course, some kittens weaned a little too early or too quickly may not show behavioral problems.  This is especially the case for small cats who are used to outdoor life and those raised with other cats.

 It is strictly forbidden to sell or adopt kittens that have not yet reached the age of 8 weeks simply because they must not be weaned too early.  Thanks to article L. 214-8 of the Rural Code, the legislation therefore protects these small pets.  This law is unfortunately still violated by many breeders and individuals.  Everyone therefore has to be responsible by not adopting or buying kittens that have been weaned too early and / or have not reached the age of at least 2 months.

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