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Why is it important to sterilize your cat?

We regularly hear that it is important to sterilize your cat, but why so?
Through this article we will explain the reasons why it is important to do so

From what age can your cat perform the operation?

Cats can be operated from 5 or 6 months. It is advisable not to be too late to operate on the female, it must be done before her first heat, otherwise she risks developing breast tumors.

Advantages of sterilizing your male cat:

As for males, here is what sterilization will bring:
  • He will no longer mark his territory by urinating everywhere. This will save you from the trouble of always having to clean up behind him.       
  • The duration of his runaways will no longer be as long. And it will greatly reduce the risk of an accident for your pet when it makes its long mops.    
  • Brawls will be less frequent. As a result, the contaminations due to the injuries he can have while fighting with other cats will be much less.            

Benefits of sterilizing her female cat:

Here are the advantages of having females operated:
  • This will prevent your cat from having its heat and all the troublesome attitudes associated with it, such as an inadvertent meow for example.
  • There will also no longer be any risk of having unwanted pregnancies and therefore of having to find homes to place the kittens or worse, have them euthanized.
  • As with male cats, there can be two drawbacks. Injuries during protrusions with the associated disease transmissions as well as slight harmful urinary behavior in some cats.    

Risks related to the operation:

As with any surgery, there are risks. But with regard to this type of operation, the risks are minimal. So you can go there without any fear.

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