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cat health

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Like their owners, cats have an immune system that may need a boost to cope with cold season microbes and aggressions. Here are some tips to strengthen your cat's immune system for the winter!

Every year, do you get a cold when the seasons change? You are not alone ! Cats are also affected by temperature changes, and can get sick because their immune system is weakened.

Fortunately, it is quite possible to help your pet by taking certain measures to strengthen the cat's immune system.

How do you strengthen your cat's immune system during the winter?

A suitable and varied diet

Cats also need variety in their diet in order to find all the nutrients they need in their bowl. But they can also receive all these nutrients in a single complete food designed to cover all their needs, such as kibble. And in winter, these varied nutrients will be even more important for ensuring your cat's immune defenses.

For starters, if your cat goes out as much in winter as in summer, you can slightly increase its calorie intake, by about 10 to 20%. If your cat is a healthy weight but gets too thin during the winter, he will be more vulnerable to potential illnesses.

On the other hand, if your cat spends the winter lazing on the sofa, it is better to revise its rations down! Many cats gain weight in winter because the cold does not encourage them to exercise outside.

In this case, prefer kibbles that are less high in calories, to prevent your pet from gaining weight, which will be difficult to lose afterwards. It will be better than a sudden restriction of quantities that can irritate and stress your pet. Here's how to gently change your cat's diet!

How do you strengthen your cat's immune system during the winter?

A seasonal change cure to strengthen your cat's immunity
Many people take vitamin or other cures at the change of seasons to help their bodies fight the microbes responsible for colds and other gastroenteritis. What we do not always know is that cats can also benefit from this type of treatment, provided that it is well suited to their species and needs!

You can perform a drainage treatment during the winter - spring transition in particular, to rid the body of accumulated toxins, and strengthen the cat's immunity at the same time. This kind of treatment is generally carried out over 10 days, with a few drops to administer to your cat each day, depending on its weight. Ask your veterinarian for advice on choosing the best option for your pet!

Probiotics are also a great ally of animals weakened by winter. These good bacteria help maintain or restore the balance of the intestinal flora, which then allows the animal to better assimilate the nutrients present in its food.

How do you strengthen your cat's immune system during the winter?

In addition, knowing that the intestine is the largest immune system in the body, home to more than 70% of the body's immune cells, and 90% of the cells that produce antibodies, this restored intestinal balance will be ideal for boosting the immunity of your cat. This will protect your pet from spinning microbes.

We finally offer you this recipe for concentrated resistance to make yourself! Black currant and echinacea will wonderfully boost your cat's immunity, with one drop of product per kilogram of animal weight, once or twice a day. So for a cat weighing 4 kilos, you can give it between 4 and 8 drops per day, if your veterinarian validates this procedure!

If your cat is often sick despite your attempts to strengthen his immune system, do not hesitate to seek the advice of your veterinarian. Having access to your animal's medical history, he will be able to advise you!

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