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cat health

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The cat is a fairly calm and gentle pet, but in some cases it tends to bite, which can become painful and cause injury.  So that this bad behavior does not persist, it is therefore necessary to educate it well.  Find out how to keep your cat from biting you.

Why does cats bite?

There are various reasons that cause a cat to bite.  This is why it is necessary to distinguish it to know what means adopted to stop the action.  Normally, a kitten develops good manners by learning from its mother.  But when that was not possible due to an adoption that took place far too early, the cat did not have time to receive the first important lessons, in particular, that its teeth are likely to hurt.  And since the kitten explores the world by biting everything that passes under its nose, your hands or feet will not escape it.  In the case of an older cat, the bite often means that it feels oppressed in its environment.  In this case, it is completely natural for him to bite when threatened.  If your pet bites you when you perform specific actions on it like cutting its claws, this is clearly an educational issue.  If you withdraw as a result of the bite, he might believe that his method worked.  So he won't hesitate to act the same the next time you cut your claws.  And finally, some cats are likely to bite when they want attention from you, but in general it is more biting than biting.  However, this is not a reason to encourage this attitude.

How to prevent your cat from biting?

The first habit to give up when you want your cat to stop biting you is to no longer offer your hands or feet as toys.  Teach him to settle for his own toys so that he loses the habit of asking for you.  Toys that distribute treats are the most appropriate in this case, as this will be more effective in grabbing his attention.  However, you have to vary and offer him two other diversions so that he doesn't get bored quickly.  Thereafter, you should try to educate your pet well with a few training techniques.  This involves punishing bad behaviors and rewarding good ones.  You must therefore be consistent in your training so that he can assimilate the reasons for his punishment or his reward.  If a few caresses are enough to reward the animal, to scold it is a whole different story.  In fact, cats are not as receptive as dogs for verbal communication.  It will therefore be necessary to bet on tone and volume.  If the cat bites you for attention, ignore it until it finds another way to communicate with you.

 Here are the solutions to adopt if your cat tends to bite.  In addition, the animal's aggressiveness sometimes comes from a completely different reason.  Unsterilized male cats are for example often aggressive. So think of castrating it if the problem really comes from there.

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