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cat health

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The cat is often subject to infectious disorders which are likely to be fatal for him and his fellows.  Very contagious, certain conditions are transmitted either by direct contact, or by a scratch, or by contact with an object infected by the sick animal.  But if diseases are transmitted quickly between species, are they a threat to others and especially the dog?

Feline conditions are not transmissible to dogs:

There are a number of infectious disorders specific to cats, including calicivirosis, typhus, infectious peritonitis and even rabies.  These pathologies are very contagious between felines since they are transmitted by a simple contact or by contact with objects infected by viruses and the bacteria which are responsible for them.  It is therefore advisable to isolate the sick animal from its congeners in order to avoid the spread of the infection.  If contagion is proven between animals of the same species, it has been scientifically proven that feline diseases do not spread to other animal species.  If the dog therefore has the same symptoms as the tomcat, it would only be by pure coincidence.  Indeed, most feline syndromes know an equivalence for the canine.  This is particularly the case of typhus which is identical to canine parvovirus.  Both animals may therefore show signs of depression, diarrhea and vomiting, but it is not the same disease.  This is also the case of rabies and leukosis which have a canine version. However, it should be stressed that just because cat diseases do not affect canines does not mean that they are out of danger.  It is essential to protect them against the affections that they are likely to contract in contact with their fellow humans.

Protect the dog from infectious diseases:

On the other hand, the dog also risks contracting his own infections.  The most common are Lyme disease, colibacillosis, leptospirosis and parvovirus.  These attacks are capable of causing severe pain and injury.  They can even cause the death of the animal.  This is why it is essential to prevent their appearance.  The most obvious solution for this is vaccination.  As with all living things, the vaccine stimulates the body to make antibodies that can repel viruses and bacteria.  These vaccines should be given from the third month.  However, a reminder is required every year.  As these procedures are often costly, you will need comprehensive insurance to cover them.  Generally, high-end formulas have a prevention package which allows the animal to be vaccinated.  But if yours does not include this guarantee, it is possible to request an extension from your insurer. It should be noted that hygienic measures must be taken to prevent pathologies.  As ticks are the main cause of most of these infections, it is advisable to use pest control products regularly.

 Therefore, dogs are not likely to contract feline diseases.  However, they have their own affections.  Hence the importance of establishing an effective hygiene measure and taking out well-covered canine insurance.

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