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There are many causes that can encourage cat's coughing fits. In this article My cat coughs - Causes of cat cough from PlanèteAnimal, we will see together what are the most common causes which allow us to answer the question "why my cat coughs". As for the frequency, this article will deal specifically with cases where your cat coughs several times a day for several days but without this cough does not end up altering its routine and without it presenting other worrying symptoms. In all cases, a cat that coughs is a reason for making an appointment with the veterinarian, so we invite you to continue reading to find out why your cat does not stop coughing.

The 3 most common reasons that make your cat cough are:

  • asthma
  • Rhinotracheitis
  • Strongles

In the rest of our article My cat coughs - Causes of cat cough we will detail the points that we discussed quickly in this box.

Cat cough

As we said, a punctual cough should not be a reason to alarm you, it is from the moment when it becomes chronic, that it repeats and that it does not pass that you will have to ask your veterinarian for advice as it can be caused by several causes. Generally, the purpose of coughing is to expel any substance or foreign body from the body. If this is the case, you will see that your cat begins to cough suddenly and continuously. The cat's cough will have different characteristics depending on where it comes from, so it can be caused by the throat or the lungs. Leaving aside the sudden coughing spells, in the rest of our article we will see the most common causes that may explain why your cat coughs a lot.

Cat asthma

It causes your cat to cough with intensity and over a very variable periodicity. In some cats, cat asthma is associated with an allergic reaction that can be caused by the peeling of human skin. A reaction occurs involving histamines and eosinophils (a type of white blood cell that is associated with allergic reactions and parasitic infections). Sometimes occur, accompanied by the cat's cough, episodes of apnea in which the cat no longer breathes. Generally, your cat will not experience other symptoms. The diagnosis can be based on x-rays which will show a certain pulmonary pattern. A blood analyst can also reveal the level of eosinophils. In cases where you suspect an allergy in your cat, we recommend that you pass the corresponding tests.

Treatment for cat asthma will depend on the degree of affectation. Some cats will not need it while others will depend on an inhaler. In the most severe cases, some cats may even need oxygen therapy. As you will have realized, the answer to the question "why my cat coughs" comes, in this precise case, from a respiratory difficulty at pulmonary level.

Rhinotracheitis in cats

Rhinotracheitis is a very common and highly contagious viral disease in cats, especially in cats that have not yet developed their immune system, in cats carrying the feline immunodeficiency virus, which deprives them of their immune defense, and in cats that live in community. It is produced by a herpes virus and, in addition to coughing, it usually causes sneezing, nasal and ocular secretions, fever, lethargy and anorexia because mucus interferes with the sense of smell and this added to the pain it causes, prevents them from eating normally. When he coughs, you will see your cat stretching its neck by adopting a characteristic posture.

There is no treatment for viruses, it is just possible to prescribe support measures that will include antibiotics to fight secondary opportunistic infections, fluid therapy for cases where dehydration occurs, in addition to all drugs considered necessary by your veterinarian. It is very important that you treat your cat at the first symptoms because rhinotracheitis is a potentially fatal disease. You should know that cats that get by then become carriers of the virus. This means that rhinotracheitis is one of the causes that explain why your cat coughs when he is no longer sick.

Does your cat make noise while breathing? Discover our article My cat makes noise while breathing - Causes and risks

My cat coughs - Causes of cat cough - Rhinotracheitis in cats strongyles
Let's conclude our article My cat coughs - Causes of cat cough by looking at the last most common cause of cat cough: strongles.

Strongles are parasitic worms that, at one point in their life cycle, invade cats' lungs, causing cats to cough a lot. In addition, coughing is usually the only noticeable symptom and it reflects the severity of the infestation. This cough occurs both when the cat is at rest and when it is active.

Cats contract these parasites through the ingestion of small animals. The majority of cases are asymptomatic and can be resolved without treatment, thanks to the body's defense mechanisms. They can be diagnosed by direct observation under the microscope of a stool sample. When

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