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cat health

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Making the decision to adopt a kitten (or an adult cat) must be made with regard to a few elements, in particular its past and its health. Is he weaned? What is his behavior in contact with other animals? These are the questions that should be asked. Here are the 10 points to look at.

The age of the cat

To adopt a kitten, it is better to wait until the end of the weaning period, a period of learning from its mother, at the age of eight weeks minimum. You will thus have the guarantee of a cat which will have acquired the bases of education, if its mother played correctly its role. (Learn more about the age of adoption of a kitten)

The cat's state of health

If you adopt a cat in a shelter, make sure of its health and especially its vitality. If the kitten does not move very much, it could indicate a health problem.


Also make sure that the vaccinations are up to date. If a cat is found, go to your veterinarian to examine it and carry out vaccinations and identification if necessary.

The place of acquisition

The sale of animals is strictly regulated, if you adopt a cat coming from a private individual or even from a shelter, the place of acquisition must be declared. You will therefore have the possibility of having a remedy if your cat develops a disease in the following days.

Contact with children

If you have children, it is better to establish a first contact between them and the cat you want to adopt, in order to watch children evolve with the animal and avoid any unpleasant surprises in case of aggressive cat.

Contact with your other animals

If you already have other animals, try putting them in contact with the cat before deciding to adopt it. You will have an opinion on their agreement and avoid having to manage daily conflicts. That said, this should not be a reason for not adopting the kitten, because it rarely goes well at first! This will especially allow you to be able to adapt and adapt your environment.

The behavior of the cat

Before any decision, it is better to watch the cat evolve. Is he a player? Does it degrade objects? Is it clean? So many questions about his behavior that could make you change your mind and that should not be taken lightly.

The cost of care

A found cat requires the same annual care as a breeding cat. So ask yourself the question of whether you can afford these sometimes unpredictable expenses.

Your environment

If you live in a confined environment, for example in an apartment, collecting an outdoor cat may not be advisable, especially if it is not able to go out and return as it wishes.

Child care

A cat, like a child, must be able to be kept in the event of absence. Before adopting, ask those around you about their desire to ensure this care during your absences.

Questions to ask in a shelter

If you adopt your cat in a shelter, do not hesitate to find out about its past and in particular the conditions under which it was taken in. If it was collected in a context of mistreatment, it could be fearful or on the contrary aggressive in contact with humans. Learn about their daily behavior before any decision is made.

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